


This weekend I planned a retreat for the youth at my church. It was life changing. We had speakers who just graduated highschool...speakers our age! You get a totally different view of things when people your own age can share things like these 4 speakers did! They are on fire for God!
God hates sin. I think too often the church is afraid to speak of God's wrath and hate towards evil. We think God OWES us salvation. He doesn't owe us a cent! In fact, every thing we have belongs to him! Who are we not to love him, not to worship him? We should be honored that we're allowed to suffer for Christ! Have joy, even when you're going through hard times, for we get to suffer for Christ! We get to be drawn closer to Him. Happiness may fade away, but the Joy of the Lord can never be taken. Jesus suffered more than many of us realize. He suffered much physical pain. But did He ever say "ouch! Father, these people are hurting me!" "Man, these thorns hurt!" NO! He said "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" His Father turned His back, for God can not look at sin! That's what hurt Jesus the most, that He was separated from His Father. Shouldn't we long to be with God, just like Jesus did? Every time we sin, we're hurting Jesus. God owes us nothing.
We all start out as ugly caterpillars. But God transforms us! And you know what, it's ok if you're still in your cocoon. I know I still am, I'm still being refined like silver.
Dear Lord, create in my a clean heart. Thank you so much for the time this weekend to be TRANSFORMED

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 
Watch a funny video that us girls made this weekend! 

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